Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Heading into Dark Territory

I received the 1st pass of Dark Territory today from Simon & Schuster, Canada. After all the writing, re-writing, content and copy editing, I now get to see the way it will appear in book form.

And, if I do say so myself, it looks pretty great!

So, what's my next task?

I have to read through the entire novel yet again (no - that is not me sighing. I am just clearing my throat) I will check for any last spelling mistakes (found one on the first page - oops) and any other remaining booboos (all mine, of course)

This is also the point where, if I am very lucky, I will get a chance to change the ending. I have been feeling vaguely unsatisfied ever since it was strongly suggested to me that Signy Shepherd must have a happy outcome at the end of book two.

Ugh. Nope. Wrong. Cheerful, wholesome wrap-ups and Signy Shepherd are not ready to become acquainted. At least not yet. I wanted the novel to end on a poignant note, but compliant newbie that I am, kept it in the key of C. I've been feeling grumpy ever since.

From the few trial balloons I've floated, I think slipping in a new ending is unlikely, even though it would mean changing a few paragraphs on the very last page (I swear!). What do you say, S & S? Please, pretty please?

Meanwhile, I will start re-reading Dark Territory for the umpteenth time - and will try not to listen to that noxious voice in my head pointing out every bad word choice, each moment of cringe-worthy dialogue, and all those missed opportunities where I might have used brilliant metaphor instead of another repetitive beat.

I will try to pay more attention to the tiny, positive voice that occasionally weighs in with a quiet "Atta girl. Nice sentence.Way to go."