Sunday, December 6, 2015

Radicalization: The New Norm? A Dumpy Grace Rant

I've been pondering the concept of radicalization.

What is it? Who is doing the radicalizing?

Who is being radicalized?

Radicalization is 'the process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo'.

The take-away from this definition is the concept of extremes. Whenever we allow ourselves to drift to one extreme or the other, history has shown us over and over, that human agony is never far behind. Think Hitler, Stalin or North Korea to name just a few. Hell, think about your own life. What good ever comes from thinking, feeling and/or acting in an extreme fashion?

Who is doing the radicalizing, and who is being impacted? The news media screams about young people becoming radicalized toward extreme Muslim views and I'm sure that's true, for many complex reasons. But, more and more, I've been seeing people of all ages becoming radicalized to equally extreme views here in North America.

How are non-Muslims becoming radicalized in North America?

1. You only need to look to history for a long and depressing list of greedy, powerful men who take their followers to extremes, usually to line their own pockets. Look at Donald Trump, for example. He deflects attention from the real concerns of the day (like climate change) in tried and true fashion, by demonizing others. He openly spews radicalizing views on Muslims, immigrants, and 'losers' of all stripes. He doesn't even attempt to hide what he is doing....and is somehow still the runaway republican favorite. The ease with which messages of hate radicalize so-called 'normal' people is astonishing. Forget about Jihadists, we should be far more concerned about the ever-growing number of radicals in our own backyard.
(On a side note - if this hate-mongering, radicalizing narcissist becomes president, I am 99% convinced that life, as we know it, will come to an abrupt end. WWIII will start as soon as Trump starts "bombing the shit" out of all those "losers" around the planet. I wonder how all his radicalized followers will feel when their high-on-the-hog Western lifestyle is ripped apart and they become the next refugees?)

2. The NRA, along with their gun-toting zealot followers, insist all Americans have the right not only to carry concealed weapons of mass destruction, but actively encourage them to use them should anything...ANYTHING...untoward occur. Going to the mall, work, school? Strap on the weaponry. Stranger in your neighbourhood? Whip out the Glock, stand your ground. Unhappy with your government? Arm yourselves to the teeth and prepare for insurrection. Man, woman and child. Hate anything or anyone different from yourself. FEAR EVERYTHING. What is this, if not radicalization?

3. Fox News. It is depressing to watch one organization systemically and successfully radicalize average American people.

4. Social Media. The ability for any creep with deviant ideas to spew crazy hatred to a wide world-audience has never been easier.

Studies show that up to ten percent of all humans have psychopathic tendencies. That frightening segment of society must be dancing a jig right about now. Wake-up, people! We cannot allow ourselves to be manipulated by superficially charming psychopaths. The world cannot be reduced to good guys and bad guys wearing black and white hats. Reality is a far more complex.

Donald Trump, Fox news, and their ilk, have the right to speak freely, but that does not mean we have to blindly believe every insane thing they say. Don't kid yourself. If we don't pay attention, every one of us risk falling prey to the dark side. For the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this blue planet we all call home, we must real responsibility for ourselves, and our country, by resisting the siren call to radicalization.

Now is not the time to split apart. Now is the time to come together. We have far more urgent things to work on (like climate change) and we need to do it together.