Thursday, June 21, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award Nominations

As I mentioned in my last blog (7 Random Things you might not know about Me) I was thrilled to be nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award  by Monique Liddle.
Monique writes a fabulous blog: Bends in the Road – One Woman’s Journey through Life’s Turning Points.
Check it out at:

The rules for accepting the award include posting 7 Random things you don't know about yourself - Done!


Passing on the love by nominating 15 blogs you feel deserve the award. Below, are 15 blogs that I enjoy for a variety of different reasons. Check them out!

Phyllis Writes Words   Beautiful stories about family, life and love. Phyllis has also published a novel, Isla's Chance, available on

Sarah Nego Writes    On the trials and tribulations of writing a novel.

A Jar of Fireflies  If you are interested in flash fiction

Milk of moonlight  A very cool site about poetry

Joy’s Book Blog  A librarian writes about books. Very informative!

Catch a Star as it Falls  Outstanding recipes anyone? Not to mention great writing!

Out Here in the Fields  I love this blog on gardening. Gorgeous writing.

Joe Orozco – Musings of a Work in Progress  Support for writers. Prompts, book reviews, reading suggestions

Susan Craig – Thought on Life, science, writing and more  I think this is a really cool mix of neurobiology and writing information.

You Know You’re Borderline When…  Presenting new and thoughtful ideas on BPD. One of the best sites on the subject in my humble opinion.

Latinapen  Writes about strong women characters on both sides of the law

Writeful Blogging Kendra Merrit has an informative sight about the writing life. 

Finding Home   Eclectic musings from an aspiring novelist

Right Livliehood, Just Ventures  A wonderful blog about change

Jasmine K Evans  A freelance writer shares helpful information in a clear and useful fashion

There are a couple of rules to follow before accepting the award:

1) Let people know you've won the award and post the link to the Versatile Blogger Award site, if you want.

2) Pay it forward by nominating 15 other cool and interesting bloggers for the award. Let them know you've nominated them by posting on their sites. (Personally, I think 15 is a pretty huge number - as far as I'm concerned just do your best with this one)

3) This is the fun part - when you acknowledge acceptance of the award in a post, be sure to include a list of 7 random things we might no know about you.

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