Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Book is Finished. What Now?

It's strange the way things end with a whimper. Blown Red, which occupied so many of my waking hours and more than a few of my sleeping ones as well, for almost a year and a half,  is back with my agent. Luckily, she let me know that she is very happy with the revisions and will likely offer it next week. Whatever that means...

It's funny, though. As soon as the send button was pressed and the final hard copy was tucked high on a shelf the entire project was gone from my thoughts. Poof. It just winked out.

So, what next?

 Obviously, I would prefer the best case, all time lottery win, super-duper scenario that would mean the book has sold and the publisher wants a second novel, and a third, and a get the picture.

Still, I am realistic. I have jumped a lot of hurdles so far, but the highest one still needs to be cleared. Finding the right publisher at the right time who is desperately seeking just the right product.(Mine)

Will I win the literary lottery? Who knows? But that tiny baby carrot of hope dangling just out of reach keeps me tied to the computer. Writing, writing, writing....a new poem, a short story, book two...

Still, I can't help but contemplate the realities of paying the bills.

If I were younger, smarter and prettier, I'd think about becoming a storm girl. You know, those gorgeous chicks dressed in CNN slickers, long hair blowing in the wind, that give us the best of the storm porn. Super Storm Sandy, Hurricane Irene, Tornado Alley. Shattered communities, ruined homes, devastated lives, who wouldn't admit to a touch of good old schadenfreude?

Or perhaps I should return to my roots?  Take up the practice of social work again? I did go so far as to bring my RSW status up to date and I have been trolling the mental health job sites for leads. It might be fun.


 On the other hand, I saw my first flying squirrel the other day. That must mean something...

No really...I mean it.

You don't see a flying squirrel every day.

Thoughts anyone?


  1. Oh, Susan ... even though I'm not close to traveling the road you have so far, I think I kind of feel your pain/indecision -- whatever the word is.

    Bills looming on one hand, but an endless sea of possibilities on the other.

    If you're going to go ahead and get the non-writing job (at least until the book gets picked up) I vote for weather girl! What a fabulous idea.

  2. Tiny baby carrot of hope!

  3. Congratulations, Susan! An awesome accomplishment. I am happy for you. (And envious!)

  4. Hold onto hope! The flying squirrels have spoken. And congratulations--hoping to hear some good publishing news soon!


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