- Resuming my love affair with; cake, cookies, chai tea latte, bread, cheese, chocolate, fish and chips...etc.
- Shopping for stupid stuff
- Moving stuff around the house and then moving it back again
- Checking out houses on MLS
- Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest (not so much with the pinterest - its kinda boring)
- Perfecting the art of scanning several news sites all at once - not really READING anything
- Watching too much New Girl (I'm a sucker for nerd romance...sigh....)
- Bemoaning the chilly weather
- Avoiding pretty much everything difficult
The party is OVER!!!!!!! Finito binito.
Time to get cracking....apply glue to bum.....engage brain......
Time to ask Signy Shepherd and Grace and Alex but most especially Dr. Solomon Smiles and his lovely wife, Lisa, to start talking to me again.
I did it before, I can do it again. I just need to start with 500 little words....
And there is no better way for me to sit my butt back down in my writer's chair that to give myself a...Dead...(gasp)...Line.
Deadlines have a distinctive sound to them, kind of like the roar of a waterfall just around the next bend. Nothing serves to sharpen the wits more than the drone of impending doom.
And so, on speaking with my agent last week, I assured her that I would have the first draft of my second novel (working title: Dark Territory) complete by the end of August, 2013.
August, 2013.
I might as well have painted a giant red target on my butt. Come one, come all...see that girl who can't write make a fool of herself. Ha...ha.
Hold on Dumpy....This is not the time to go all wimpy and negative. Beside, wallowing in self-pity and fear is really nothing more than another procrastination tool.
But, August, 2013...?
Three months and two weeks... (deep breath)... I can do that.
Sure, I can.
Come ON, Dumpy Grace!!
What nugget of wisdom has kept you going through thick and thin?
What deep philosophical truism has never failed you? What brilliant insight has dragged you through even the most trying times?
That's right, Dumpy Grace. You know it in your heart...
Captain Kirk would NEVER give up....
And neither will you, Dumpy Grace
NEITHER will you....
Live Long and Prosper....
You're a professional now, Dumpy Grace. You can DO it!!