Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Horror of Writing a Sex Scene

During the writing of my first novel there came a point where I became hopelessly mired. The plot seemed dull, the characters, lifeless.

"Write a sex scene" suggested one of my writing buddies and I thought, why not? Nothing spices up a boring spot in a book like some steamy sexual congress.

So, I set to it - devoting a full day to whipping my characters into a love-making frenzy. Have I mentioned that real writers spend years honing the art of erotic writing? Picking and choosing each word to ensure the perfect balance of shy piquancy and wild passion.

Not my characters! They had one day to show me what they had in the bedroom department. With my hand over my eyes I watched, alternatively horrified and titillated, a slightly appalled voyeur of my own imagination.

It was with beet red cheeks that I allowed my loyal readers to critique my efforts.I was gratified when several readers suggested that I include even more sex scenes in book two, a charge I have taken seriously.

And so, today - the first sex scene of book two began with some ragged breathing, a heated kiss and a bark of laughter. It ended with, "Two hours later...."

Hey!   Why don't you take your courage in hand and give your imagination a ride.  Then, we'll talk...

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