Sunday, March 25, 2012

What makes a Writer?

This morning I woke up very early. 

I had an idea for a brilliant piece of dialogue. 

But, it was gorgeous outside and the sun was shining...

All I wanted to do was get up, read the paper, drink copious amounts of coffee then go outside and play.

 But, if I went outside to play I would probably forget my brilliant piece of dialogue.

So, on this gorgeous, sunny day, I hunched over my computer and tapped out my word count.

ONLY then...did I put on my hiking boots and go out to play.

We're cutting a trail through the forest and down to the river. 

 It's gonna be awesome when it's done.

Yup! I think it's official. Today I am a writer!


  1. Oh, my goodness. I love this one on every level. You ARE a real writer if you worked before you played. Also, your pictures are becoming quite sophisticated, Dumpy Grace, and I suspect that your chair at the computer "hatching an egg" while "hatching a story" is no coincidence.

    I hope you show us pictures of your trail sometime!

  2. Heh, Heh! Yesterday I was a writer. Today my husband convinced me to go with him to pick up a lawn tractor instead of writing. I did not require very much arm twisting and we are talking a lawn tractor!

    I guess some days ya got it and others ya don't. Oh well. And for sure - I will post pics of the trail. It is truly amazing. We discovered a gorgeous beaver pond complete with massive dam right on our property. We still have 500 meters to go to get to the back of the property. Who knows what mysteries we'll uncover.


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